Szemző Zsófia: Feint Real Estate Agency
25 May 2011 – 17 June 2011
Everyone has a dream about a house, or home. With the overpopulation and increasing poor housing conditions it is still a reality that people dream of an ideal home. There is an awkwardness in the approach of real estate agencies, in the way they play with these dreams, that they show people their dream homes, but in the end or you can not buy it, you can pay a mortgage all your life, you buy it and is not perfectly as it seamed. So feint real estate agency is proposing the ideas of the ideal home, to think about it, to dream about it. Feint Real estate agency is a drawing series and installation project, a house built from left over materials, that serves as the agency office, and an open blog. The project is democratic, anyone can add their ideal home idea to the blog.
The blog is open for dreams>>
name: mezesmadzagingatlaniroda
password: feintrealestateagency
2011, 28 drawings, ink, marker, aquarel, 50x60, wooden hut, neon sign, blog.